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Writer's pictureBumble Pree

My Multiple Sclerosis Progress

Updated: May 17, 2022

February 24, 2020

It wasn’t until this morning when I realized that I have come so far with my Multiple Sclerosis. From the time it would take me to walk to the bus stop in 2015, took me even less time to walk the same distance this morning. I was honestly so proud of myself to think of the progress that I have made with my walking. This was because three years ago on this very day, I thought I was going to end up on a wheelchair. Prior to my Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis, so many things were going wrong with me. Just like any other person would do, I stupidly searched up my symptoms on Google. I ended up diagnosing myself with every disease you could imagine, as I felt like everything was falling apart for me. 2017 was a year where it was about self-discovery. This was because I knew I had to figure things out for myself because no one had answers for me (not even my doctors at the time). Through changing the way I was eating and meditating frequently, it has helped me so much with my physical development. In 2017, I was unable to walk the moment I stood up. Being positive and fighting MS, helped me do something as simple as walk across the street just to get to class. It may not seem like a big deal but, for me it was. Walking was a “regular task” that I was so adamant about relearning how to do again.

It’s now four years later, and I’m learning more about myself every day. Though I still have difficulties walking, making changes with the way I had been eating, definitely was a game changer for me. Though the weather always interferes with my Multiple Sclerosis, I can walk for much longer periods of time than I was able to in 2017.

I wrote out a timeline of the past five years. The timeline I want to start now, is remembering how to run and move fast again. Once I accomplish that, I’m so convinced I can continue to reach goals and finally remember what it was once like to live life without a disease. Though I may believe things won’t improve for me sometimes, I know that by staying positive is only going to get me through my day. I’m so convinced that there is no cure for Multiple Sclerosis because the cure is within us.



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