To fall down seven times and stand up eight, pretty much sums up my persona entirely. In this case, I physically do fall walking however, standing up more than I fall just shows my strength in feeling the need to fight Multiple Sclerosis.
This quote was personal to me because it is one of the reasons why I stayed strong. Heck, it is one of the reasons why I am even alive today. Feeling the need to commit suicide in my early teens, was all because of the bullies who had made me feel so insecure. A few years later, I got diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Though I am young, you may think that it would be okay for me to have set backs at a young age. And you know what? Maybe a part of that is true but, I am glad that I am experiencing these setbacks with MS because it has been teaching me so much. Call me crazy, but I would not had learned anything if I had not been diagnosed with MS. Things happen for a reason, so I will take this as my way to learn better about myself and others.
I thought I would share this quote because I feel like everyone needs to hear it when they feel like giving up. Giving up would be accepting defeat and you are worth much more than that.
Pree <3